Starline Press English 5 Set

Fifth grade students continue working with the Dictionary and Thesaurus. They learn proper usage of singular, plural and subject nouns; verbs, including action, compound, helping, and state of being; verb phrases and verb endings. Fifth grade students use spelling lists, study spelling rules, and identify the meaning of age appropriate words. The students study figures of speech, metaphors, imagery and narratives, including writing and giving a narrative presentation. To enrich the reading experience, students complete several literature compositions, including The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Mayflower Compact, Paul Revere's Ride and Aunt Polly Shedd's Brigade. Fifth grade students use the encyclopedia to conduct research and obtain information. They learn to write an outline, revise and rewrite, take notes, and complete a finished report. Set includes Starline Press English 5 Student Books 501-512 and Teacher Score Keys. Order the complete set and save.

The Starline Solution (TSS) is a character-based, individualized curriculum, designed to allow each student to progress at his or her own pace, which may vary from subject to subject. TSS curriculum is designed to benefit each student individually. 


The Starline Solution (TSS) is an interpretation of the principals of Personalized Systems of Instruction. TSS is a three part system of learning. • Part one is the curriculum – learning that is divided up into bite-sized pieces. • Part two is the system of delivery, a process that insures learning is happening through a self-paced, monitored system. • Part three is the motivational plan that partners all participants in the success of the student. 


The Starline Solution is the students’ annual curriculum divided up into self-directed, bite-sized Learning Units to be used in a classroom supervised by a teacher (whether this is a traditional teacher or home school teacher). Each student will complete the Units at his or her own rate of learning. This means that students will be working on different Units and completing them at different times. This allows the teacher time to work individually with students on problem or enrichment areas.
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