Starline Press Algebra II Set

Regular price $199.95 Sale $218.71

Vendor:Starline Press


Categories: Advanced Mathematics, General Mathematics

Tags: Religious:no

Tenth grade students add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials. They work with complex fractions, ratios, and proportions. Students study the basics of quadratic equations, the square root method, and solving absolute value equations. Students learn about linear inequality, graphing linear inequalities, applying systems of linear inequalities, and addition and multiplication properties of linear inequalities. Tenth grade students study logarithms and antilogarithms and how to work these problems on a calculator. They study Pascal's Triangle and The Binomial Theorem. Students make and interpret scatter plots, as well as parabola basics and graphing parabolas. Starline Press Student Books 1001-1012 and Teacher Score Key. Order complete set and save.

The Starline Solution (TSS) is a character-based, individualized curriculum, designed to allow each student to progress at his or her own pace, which may vary from subject to subject. TSS curriculum is designed to benefit each student individually. 


The Starline Solution (TSS) is an interpretation of the principals of Personalized Systems of Instruction. TSS is a three part system of learning. • Part one is the curriculum – learning that is divided up into bite-sized pieces. • Part two is the system of delivery, a process that insures learning is happening through a self-paced, monitored system. • Part three is the motivational plan that partners all participants in the success of the student. 


The Starline Solution is the students’ annual curriculum divided up into self-directed, bite-sized Learning Units to be used in a classroom supervised by a teacher (whether this is a traditional teacher or home school teacher). Each student will complete the Units at his or her own rate of learning. This means that students will be working on different Units and completing them at different times. This allows the teacher time to work individually with students on problem or enrichment areas.
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