Novel Units - The Red Badge of Courage Teacher Guide Grades 9-12

Teacher Guides

Teacher guides provide the framework for the novel, including any background information necessary to prepare students for the text. Discussion questions help you delve into the novel's plot, conflict, theme, and character motivations/interactions. Plus, they're designed to elicit student thought, discussion, and participation!

Time-saving, inspiring lesson plans provide a comprehensive novel unit—created by teachers for teachers. The legwork is done for you. The chapter-by-chapter guides incorporate research-based, higher-order reading, writing, and thinking activities.

  • 32+ pages

  • Summary

  • "About the Author"

  • Character list

  • Background information

  • Initiating activities

  • Vocabulary activities (Gr.1–8)

  • Discussion questions and answers

  • Graphic organizers

  • Writing ideas

  • Literary analysis

  • Post-reading discussion questions

  • Cross-curriculum extension activities

  • Assessment Scoring rubric

  • Glossary ( Gr. 9-12)

See also Student Packet #10019

The Red Badge of Courage #5429 , #1345 Bored with farm life, and anxious for some excitement, Henry Fleming sets off to join the Union troops fighting the Civil War. An inexperienced fighter, he is anxious to get into battle to prove his patriotism and courage. When suddenly thrust into the slaughter he is overcome with fear and runs from the battle. He is ashamed when he is wounded, for he has not earned their "red badge of courage" and becomes enraged when he witnesses the death of his friend. In an effort to redeem himself, he begins to fight frantically, and automatically seizes the regiment's colors in a daring charge that proves him truly courageous.
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