Traditional Logic II Text, Second Edition-Charter/Public Edition

Traditional Logic II Text, Second Edition-Charter/Public Edition

Regular price $15.75 Sale

Vendor:A Brighter Child Homeschool & Educational Supplies


Categories: Logic & Critical Thinking

Tags: Religious:no

Traditional Logic II covers the figures of the traditional syllogism, forms of rhetorical arguments, kinds of hypothetical syllogisms, as well as relational arguments. The book also includes a wealth of famous arguments throughout history.

By the end of Traditional Logic II, the student will be able to analyze a variety of argument forms, including enthymemes, sorites, and epicheirema, as well as recognize and respond to dilemmas.

The level of understanding attained in this course would be more than that typically attained in a college course.

Advanced Concepts and Argument Forms:

  • Figure and mood in syllogisms

  • Syllogism reduction

  • Hypothetical reasoning

  • Chain arguments

  • The dilemma

  • The oblique syllogism

A logic course for all ages but designed for use as young as seventh grade, Traditional Logic is an in-depth study of the classical syllogism. Along with a basic understanding of the theory of knowledge, the text presents the four kinds of logical statements, the four ways propositions can be opposed, the three ways in which they can be equivalent, and the seven rules for the validity of syllogisms. Each chapter, in approximately five pages of text, explains challenging concepts in clear, concise language.

Includes the Traditional Logic II Student Text only.

See also #s8830, 8831, 8832, 8833.

Includes the Traditional Logic II Student Text only.
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