Novel Unit Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Student Packet

Recommended for grades 9-12

100% Unique Content! No overlaps in matching Teacher Guide #6588 and Student Packet.

This student packet features multiple-level reproducibles that offer solutions based on the latest reading strategies.

This packet includes content-rich activity sheets, quizzes, and a final exam for direct student use.

44 + pages

  • Prereading activities

  • Vocabulary activities,

  • Study guide

  • Graphic Organizer

  • Literary Analysis

  • Writing Activities

  • Critical and Creative thinking challenges

  • Comprehension quizzes

  • Unit test

  • Answer key

  • Scoring rubric

Note Different novel editions page numbers may vary.
Huck is the neglected son of the town drunk and is given a home with spinsters. They want to "civilize" him above the level of poor white trash which means bathing regularly, going to school. Huck decides to run away and take a runaway slave, Jim with him. They ride down the Mississippi River on a raft. Jim not as interested in freedom as much as he is in taking care of his family. Huck is conflicted because he's stealing an old woman's property. In the end, the woman dies, giving Jim his freedom and Huck's father dies, so he no longer needs to run. #1472
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