Wordly Wise 3000 Teacher Resource Package Grade 1

Regular price $86.00 Sale

Vendor:EPS Operations


Categories: Language Arts, Language Arts — Vocabulary, Phonics & Reading


The Teacher's Resource Package contains powerful tools to support each lesson and provide direct and systematic vocabulary instruction.

Teacher's Resource Book 1 contains:

  • Clearly organized lesson plans for introducing words and directing interactive vocabulary activities

  • Read-aloud story and poem for each lesson

  • Extend and Challenge activities that introduce 59 additional words and help you differentiate instruction

  • English language learner support Formal and informal assessments for each lesson

  • Reproducible take-home activities to extend learning outside the classroom

  • Picture Cards 150 7"x5" cards present every vocabulary word with clear, colorful images.

  • Concept Cards 15 colorful 14"x12" cards introduce each lesson's theme-related topic and build background knowledge.

  • Note: Teacher's Resource Book, Concept and Picture Cards are necessary for the implementation of each lesson.  From EPS

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