MCP Plaid Phonics A Student Book Grade 1

MCP Plaid Phonics A Student Book Grade 1

Regular price $16.50 Sale



Categories: Language Arts, Phonics & Reading


SKU: 1053

Learning to read is an important step in your child's education, and Phonics is designed to help that process. By learning the parts and sounds of words, your child will be better equipped to tackle new challenges in Reading. “Plaid” Phonics is a homeschool program designed to introduce and solidify your child's Reading foundation. This curriculum not only promotes Reading fluency, but also introduces critical thinking skills, which your child will use throughout his or her academic career. 

“Plaid” Phonics has a long history, as it has been helping children learn Reading skills for more than 50 years. Furthermore, the program has trained more than 55 million children.
Plaid” Phonics Grade 1 is the second program in the series. It was designed to help you teach your child foundational Phonics knowledge you will build on later in his or her education. During the Grade 1 program, your child will get the opportunity to focus on these key areas:

•Recognize basic parts of a sentence, including capitalization and punctuation
•Read words with a single syllable that have simple spellings, such as "cat"
•Break longer words into syllables to try and sound them out
•Read simple words that have irregular spellings, such as "where".

2011 Edition

304 pages with perforated punch-out flashcard section, softcover.

ISBN: 9781428430921

Level A. Grade 1. Homeschool Bundle including Teacher's Edition also available (Item #6404) 

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