IEW Fix It! Grammar: Level 3 Robin Hood [Teacher’s Manual]

Regular price $19.00 Sale

Vendor:IEW Institute for Excellence in Writing


Categories: Language Arts, Language Arts — Grammar, Language Arts — Writing

Tags: Religious:no

Ingenious! Students hunt for and correct errors in daily passages that cumulatively tell a story. Fix It! Grammar™ is a six-year, incremental program that encourages students to apply new grammar knowledge in every lesson while continuing to practice what they already know.

Level 3 Robin Hood refines concepts taught in previous levels and explains additional comma rules, various phrasal/clausal constructions, quotation punctuation, indefinite/demonstrative/reflexive pronouns, and more.

This spiral-bound teacher’s manual is used with Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood Student Book (Item #1517) sold separately.

From IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing)Grades 6-8

Ingenious! Students hunt for and correct errors in daily passages that cumulatively tell a story. Fix It! Grammar™ is a six-year, incremental program that encourages students to apply new grammar knowledge in every lesson while continuing to practice what they already know.
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