English Language Arts Station Activities for Common Core State Standards - Grades 6-8

English Language Arts Station Activities for Common Core State Standards - Grades 6-8

Regular price $40.00 Sale

Vendor:Walch Publishing


Categories: Language Arts

Tags: Religious:no

This book includes a collection of station-based activities to provide students with opportunities to practice and apply the skills and concepts they learn in class. It contains station activities for each of the following Common Core Standards for middle school English Language Arts: Reading— Literature; Reading—Informational Text; Writing; and Language. Speaking and Listening standards are infused throughout the station activities.

The Reading activities explore text complexity and comprehension.
The Writing activities cover specific types of writing, response to reading, and research.
The Language activities provide practice with English language usage and conventions.

Use these activities in addition to direct instruction lessons or instead of direct instruction in areas where students grasp the basic concepts but need practice.

17 sets of activities, each with 4 separate stations
Correlated to Common Core state standards
Teacher support includes discussion guides and answer key
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