Writing & Rhetoric Book 3: Narrative II Teacher’s Edition - Classical Academic Press

Writing & Rhetoric Book 3: Narrative II Teacher’s Edition includes the complete student text, as well as answer keys, teacher’s notes, and explanations.

For every writing assignment, this edition also supplies descriptions and examples of what excellent student writing should look like, providing the teacher with meaningful and concrete guidance.

Lessons include: How to define and identify types of narrative.

How to outline stories How to get a story off the ground.

How the protagonist and antagonist develop the central story conflict.

How to discern the difference between fact and opinion in historical narrative and legend.

How to identify the five W’s of an historical narrative—who, what, when, where, why.

How to summarize a longer narrative in writing.

Rewriting: what happens when you change the point of view and the protagonist.

How to apply storytelling skills Elocution skills and oration

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