Greenleaf Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation Text

The Renaissance and the Reformation are pivotal periods in both Church History, Western History, and World History.

The Renaissance was the beginning of the modern world. Its leading thinkers were the first to recognize that there was now a huge gap between themselves and the ancient nations of Greece and Rome, and that civilization had been through a “dark age.” The Renaissance revered Greece and Rome and sought to recover the ancient languages, literature, art, and in some cases also their pagan religion. The biographies are written so that they can be profitably read by an upper elementary student as well as any high school student.
15 figures from the Renaissance and 15 from the Reformation whose lives illustrate the history of the times have been selected in this text..
From the Renaissance: Petrarch, Giotto, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Cosimo de’ Medici, Lorenzo de’ Medici, Savonarola, Botticeli, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Cesare Borgia, Machiavelli, Pope Leo X, and Erasmus.
From the Reformation: Wyclif, Hus, Luther, Charles V, Durer, Zwingli, Muntzer, Grebel & Sattler, Menno Simons, Henry VIII, Thomas More, Tyndale, Cromwell & Cranmer, Calvin, and Knox.Reading through these biographies will give you a broad introduction to both the Renaissance and Reformation and help you to understand how the events of that time continue to shape our world today. From Greenleaf press.
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