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Wagon Wheels (I Can Read Book 3) by Barbara Brenner. The Muldie boys and their father have come a long way to...
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Walch Science Literacy Series: Biology. Explore fundamental concepts in human biology, genetic engineering, ecology, zoology, botany, and much more. Grade 5 -...
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Walch Science Literacy Series: Biology. Explore fundamental concepts in human biology, genetic engineering, ecology, zoology, botany, and much more. Teacher's Guide for...
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Walch Science Literacy Series: Chemistry. Demystify the essential elements of chemistry such as atomic structure, properties of matter, acids and bases, solutions,...
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Walch Science Literacy Series: Chemistry. •Activities designed to address the current national standards •Materials help foster the critical science-literacy skills learners need...
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Address important health topics including self-esteem, stress, nutrition, fitness, smoking, infectious and non-infectious diseases, STDs, and more. Teachers guide sold separately (Item...
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For use with Walch Science Literacy: Health Student Book, sold separately (Item #2310) •Address important health topics including self-esteem, stress, nutrition, fitness,...
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Autobiographical work by Thoreau gives an account of the two years he spent livving in a hut on the shores of Walden...
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"A complete picture of everything in which people find their happiness and greatness, their greif and humiliation." So called by a contemporary...
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An unforgettable tale of war, redemption, and a hero's journey. It is 1914, and Joey, a farm horse, is sold to...
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H.G. Wells's science fiction classic, the first novel to explore the possibilities of intelligent life from other planets, it still startling and...
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Perfect for art projects, this set of four washable poster paints comes vibrant red, yellow, green, and blue (8 oz. / 236...